Tuesday, November 4, 2008

School Board Races

Here are a few resources that I have found on the school board races.
Alpine #6
Debbie Taylor: http://debbietaylor.org/index.shtml
Elaine Rodrigues: http://www.elaineforschoolboard.com/about

Utah State School Board #12:
I found this blog site helpful: http://utahmomscare.blogspot.com/2008/10/utah-state-school-board-district-12.html
Here are the answers the two main candidates gave in response to questions by Utah's League of Women Voters:
Mark Cluff: http://www.lwvutah.org/VG%202008/VG%202008%20htmls/CluffM_USBE12.html
Carol Murphy: http://www.lwvutah.org/VG%202008/VG%202008%20htmls/MurphyC_USBE12.html

Feel free to email me if you find additional info and I will add it to this post.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sandstrom - Baugh Debate

Here is the debate between Sandstrom and Baugh. It is broken into 8 parts:
Part 1: Introduction:

Part 2: Qualifications, Goals, Subcommittees

Part 3: Public Education, School Choice, Vouchers, School Budgeting

Part 4: Ethics Reform, Laws that should be Repealed

Part 5: Transportation, more on Education

Part 6: Illegal Immigration, Tax Relief

Part 7: Several Short Questions

Part 8: Concluding Remarks

Unfortunately the tape ran out in the middle of Baughs closing remarks. We appologize that we were not able to get all of them, and will try to do better next time.

Thanks to Kip & Linda Jardine who were able to attend the debate and record it for us.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

KBYU Election Specials

KBYU will be airing interviews with Republican and Democrat leaders Wednesday nights at 9PM

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Orem 41 - Republican Primary Turnout

The primary is now behind us. Jason Chaffetz defeated Chris Cannon, and Richard Ellis defeated Mark Walker. Both won by close to a 60% - 40% margin. The turnout was reported to be very low for our Congressional District. This was troubling to me, so I asked Bryan Thompson our County Clerk/Auditor if I could get the results from our precinct. Here is what he got me:

889 Registered Voters in our Precinct, 132 votes for a turnout of 14.85%.
The county wide average was 11.54%

I am glad that we are above average, but I don't think that 14.85% reflects what we actually accomplished.

First, after the voter cleanup we did this Spring/Summer we should have 719 registered voters, not 889. This takes our number up to 18.36%.

(For anyone who is concerned about a rather drastic drop in registered voters, you just need to remember that the 8th North reconstruction demolished not only all of the homes in our precinct along 8th North, but also a house or two on every joining street.)

Second, the Democrats held no primary, and the Republican Primary is closed to those who are not affiliated Republican. This takes the eligible voters in our precinct down to 346, and our turnout percentage up to 40.37%.

While this still leaves us a lot of room to improve, I am much happier with 40%.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Notes from May 3rd - 3rd Congressional District Debate

Key - CC = Chris Cannon, JC = Jason Chaffetz, L = David Leavitt, F = Joe Fergussen

? Which congressional Caucuses would you join

F - stop spending
JC - Reagan21, Immigration Reform, Conservative, N.G.
L - Western, Conservative, Reagan21
CC - currently chairs Western, and sits on Nutritional suppliments, and Meth caucuses

? Top 3 priorities

JC - Fiscal Discipline - Budget is out of control, last year $429 billion in interest on debt. Educatiion - repeal No Child Left Behind. Immigration - Fix legal immigration, no path to citizenship for illegals, lock down border, enforce law, require assimilation, english as the official language
L - Long term and short term problems - need to first solve short term problems. Federal Spending under control - $53 trillion in unfunded liabilities. $ currently sinking due to lack of faith in federal govt ability to repay. Energy Independence - we consume 25% of worlds oil. From our enemies. Need to reduce environmental restriction. Get a grip on medicare & healthcare.
CC - Energy - Give President authority to override environmental restrictions on oil shale. Commercial test should be done by Sept. Keep Internet free of Regulations - Overseeing of Government, Transparency in Spending
F - North American Union - Dept of Commerce through Stealth Increments. Immigration - a problem because George W. Bush doesn't want to stop it.

?Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 on how much of a conservative you are
L - 8
CC - 10
F - 15
JC - 10

? Views & remedies on economy and the dollar

CC - Mass missunderstanding on national debt - $5 trillion in debt, $4 trillion on SSI liabilities. We need to grow ourselves out of debt. Spending $1/2 trillion in oil each year to our enemies. We need to develope our own energy. This will solve our economic problems. Fiscal Discipline.
F - State of Economy is Fair, but in Jeopardy. Dollar is headed down because of creation of money. You should buy food with your $500. Food will be more expensive next year. Businesses are over regulated fed govt is damaging our econ by its weight. We need to reduce the regulatory load.
JC - Remember the Proper role of govt. Core problem is with overspending. Need more conservative. We don't have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem. Only one to sign a pledge not to ask for earmarks. Congressmen are not supposed to bring back the bacon. Cannon should not have got fed funding for historical building in SLC. Would not have voted for the stimulus bill. Voted no on omnibus. We cant do anything else if we don't fix the economy.
L - Serious problems because of quick fix attempts to help people win easy reelections. Need to stop get rich quick and then have the govt take care of us. We need to be able to fail or we wont be free. Solve our econ crisis by spending less than we earn & save. Get out of debt, build on these correct principles. We need to be willing to do things that hurt.


F - Laws don't need to be changed, the right laws are already on the books. George W. Bush doesnt' want it. There is a lack of will on immigration. I would stop the coyotes trucking illegals. We need to change people in govt.
JC - SPP has its roots in truth. We should be able to notice that the current Policies and the Law are not in agreement. People say ammericans wont do jobs. We need to enforce our laws. Fix legal immigration - some people have had to wait 22 years. Birthright citizenship is wrong. No amnesty for illegals Look to my website for my 7 point plan. It includes locking down borders and enforcing visa stay times.
L - Stop employers, cant put them at the back of the line. Secure our borders? We haven't wanted to. We need a temp guest worker visa. They must leave to get it. Private Sector Visa Program. Measured, Realistic & Compasionate - We don't need to be mean.
CC - Bush refused to enforce the border. Voted for more border patrol. 100% record of enforcement. Illegal System is a cancer. Rule of Law is important. Stealing identities. It is really complicated. Don't care if people need to go home 1st. Past bills are fundamentally flawed.

?What is the benefit of seniority

JC - Seniority is not equal to influence, although it is important, Putnam was elected in 2000 and is now the 3rd most influential republican. He didn't need a lot of seniority.
L - Seniority gives you a slice of influence. There is a time to replace our congressman, it is when seniority means the least - in the first term as the minority.
CC - America wont let Republicans be in the minority of 10+ years. Joe 6-pack will be angry at liberal government. I will work hard. The issues are too important to walk away from.
F - Seniority has its advantages - Seniority doesn't mean you vote right. We lost in 2006 because of poor government. We don't need to be afraid of conservative government.

?Explain reason for the cost of feul and food.

L - It is wrong for government to be interveening in our markets. Government should trust the markets. Oil, we are dependant on our enemies. They can determine the price. We need to unfetter the market.
CC - The above is accurate. Taking corn out of food to make oil makes no sense. It doesn't even produce more energy. Oil from shale can be produced for less than $30 a barrel. We need to cut through regulations and stop funding our enemies.
F - Fuel cost is high because of the dropping value of the dollar. Blame a fiat currency & the federal reserve. The price of gas is being manipulated & someone is getting rich. gas was $1.50 prior to Katrina. Fed Government is the greatest enemy in our quest for energy independance.
JC - We have no energy policy. We need to get rid of environmental prtections & get the federal government out of the way. We need more Nuclear Power. Global Warming is a farce. No more farm subsidies for people to not grow crops.

? Republican Unity Support of Party Platforms

CC - I support the platforms completely. Unity is helping the right people get elected.
F - We are in agreement on most issues. Elected officials were wearing the Republican label but not voting republican. Council of Foriegn Relations dominates the national republicans.
JC - I believe 100% in the platforms of the county & the state. Not enough to just have an R by your name. In 2006 not 1 democrat lost. A Congressman should be a watchdog, not a lapdog for the President. We need to show the world we have a better smarter plan.
L - Definition of Leader: Says this is where we need to go & leeds others there. We need to return to the idea that we are a believing nation

? - going to end but decided to extend 30 minutes

? What caused the sub prime crisis & what should be done

F - No Answer
JC - Bear Sterns was wrong. Bailout is wrong. $429 billion in interest on national debt. Confidence is critical in mortgage business, Personal Accountability, Corrections are painful but necessary. It will pass.
L - We believed that we can borrow beyond our means not just as a government but as a people. Not about our rights but about our responsibilities. Don't need more & more & more. Government should not protect us from our failures
CC - Mortage Crisis - new tools that shifted risk & more could borrow. Skyrocketing appraisals - we cant let people cram down the value of homes. Market will correct itself.

? Fairtax
JC - If we can start over with a consumption we would. Hard to get to it from our currect system.
L - Current system is a spread the wealth system. Fairtax is a national sales tax. Consuption tax. I like it, but not the prebate. I would vote for it.
CC - Problem is it would add 30% on top of goods. Need to cut government spending first. America will work better with simplicity like the fairtax.
F - Current Tax - Amount & collection - part of the communist manifesto. I would like to look at it. We need a change.

?Social Security & Medicare solutions

L - $53 trillion obligation. Draw a line on those over 50. Medicare is an entitlement. We need to find a way to move it from government to private
CC - Market solution to create any solution - liability. Convert it to personal accounts. Medicare patients need to move to a health savings account
F - We have been robbed! If the SSI managers had been in the private sector they would be in jail. Medicare can't continue to be funded.
JC - We need a paradigm shift. Personal Responsibility. Markets work. People will deal with them differently.

? 25% of states own 85-95% of their land. UTAH is owned by the Fed.

CC - BLM doesn't know how much of Utah they own. It is our Land. Fed needs to give it back. Fed is a bad tennant. We would be better stewards.
F - Tesas retained all of their land. We should get the Fed to give land back. It is a great detriment to our state.
JC - We are in unison on this pont. It should be our public land. Why didn't we reverse the Grande Staircase Escalante. If we can't get it with Republican control. When?
L - Utah should own Utah's lands. Congress is broken because we are always fighting. Need to be working with dems. Rep ideas don't all come from God & Dem ideas don't all come from the devil.

? Constant state of war

F - Money - wars are plitical decisions Politics is run by money. Money was a factor in Iraq.
JC - We shouldn't be worlds policemen. & no nation building. Take better care of the troops.
L - Past time to debate if we should have gone. We should stay as long as we are protecting american soil. Millions of Americans have died for us.
CC - People are trying to destroy our country. We are now funding bad bovernemtn. Leaving will be difficult. We are killing badies.

? Closing Remarks

F - Country started by resisting tyranny & ruling elite. Constitution is a formula for success. Every Problem we have is because we have ignored it.
JC - We all care deely about the US. We need to stand up & be heard. We need to be as committed as possible. We can't shy away from the constitution. I will make you proud.
L - Not 7 hairs difference between us. Style is the difference. We can debate without tearing down. Washington is broken because of fighting. We can return to a united govt. We must return to unity. I will be a statesmen.
CC - Interesting debate, we differ I am on the far right. What Leavitt says he will do is already being done. It doesn't hurt to push people.

**End of Debate**

Mark Walker - Endorsements

Cannon - Endorsements

Jason Chaffetz - Letters

Chris Cannon - Fliers

Letters supporting Jason Chaffetz

David Leavitt - Mailer

Jason Chaffetz - Fliers

Chris Cannon - Flier

David Leavitt - Flier

Mark Walker - Flier

Richard Ellis - Flier

Joe Furguson - Letters

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Cannon - Notes from meeting April 12 2008 - Jared Jardine

?Do you support the Economic Stimulus
It took money we don't have and gave it back to the people who will have to pay the debt. It was a mixed bag, but supported it as a psuedo tax cut.

? What is the biggest problem facing US
Lack of Energy Independence, Foriegn Oil Dependence
Oil Shale could be done at $25 / barrel today
BLM regulation are holding it back, part of the energy Bill ammendment. Spearheaded by Colorado congressman

? Health Care - Social Security
very difficult problems, Govt programs don't work because
1 - they require beurocrats which are expensive
2 - beurocrats are corrupt
opposed to welfare maintaining dependence
govenment stifles inovation
solution: Hold off socialized medicine until the free market can correct itself

? Porn on the internet
wants to limit fed govt role in obscenity cases
states are the place to fight it
internet browsers can identify trademarks - help fight phishing

?How long do you want to stay in congress
until my influence is no longer increasing

? immigration
voted for sending troops to the border
wants to enforce the border
we need to know where the visa holders are
1st secure the border
believes in legal immigration
"Illegals are like cancer" because
maintaining thier illegal status forces other illegal activity
never endorsed Mcain-Kennedy
actively opposed President Bush's efforts

? No Child Left Behind
Originally supported it
the implimentation has been horrid
now actively opposes it

? Harmful to Minors Act - What will you do to enforce it
It is a state law and a state issue
I will help preserve Utah State's ability to enforce it

? Mortgage crisis - knee jerk federal reaction
opposes 2 provisions being proposed
1 Financial services regulations
2 allowing home values to be marked down at bankruptcy

? National Debt - Can't we pay it down
1st - $4 - $4.5 trillion of it the govt owes itself - raided social security trust
leaves $4.5 - $5 trillion of public debt
we paid back some debt in 1996
We need to extend Bush tax cuts
If Bush had been more concerned with the debt, more would have been done

? Favor returning to the Gold standard
There is no talk of doing that

? Fair Tax - Consumption tax
Believes that we must first cut govt spending then move to a consumption based tax system

? What will you do in the next term
Work on the rule making process
help make transparent government

? Frustration of Minority
not frustrated, 3rd most original bills passed in congress

?North American Union
SPP - Security Prosperity Partnership
supposedly to open commerce
they need to be transparent - they are secret
they are a threat to our soveriegnty

?Iraq War
Surge has worked
"I support the right to torture people who have information that can save American lives"

?Tribalism in Iraq

? Concerns on Fuel - Foriegn and Domestic 20 year plan
it is crazy, people talking about running out of oil
Red Leaf
Gassification of coal costs 1/20th of what it did 30 years ago
Only need a $45 a barrel guarantee from feds to get it up and running
Gassification of coal
Ignorance is the big hurdle
Huge unholy incentives against doing what is clearly in the best interest of the country

? What do we do with the illegal immigrants who are here now
I don't care what we do with them
It is not important for them to leave
need a system for them to come out of the shadows
They should get amnesty for false Id & illegally being here
but not for crimes with damages over $100

? League of Democracies
UN is not up to the task
worried that it would just retread the same countries
the devil is in the details

*End of notes - beginning of commentary*

All in all I felt like the questions were well answered. His knowledge on the steps that could be taken to get our country energy independant was good. I think that his position on what to do with illegal immigrants still in the country is a deal killer. Why we should not only forgive illegally entering our country, but also forgive falsification of identification in this age of ID theft is beyond me.

Chaffetz - Imigration Plan

Cannon - Adding up

Ellis - Letter

Walker - Meetings

County Call to Convention

Ellis - Don't make mistake flier

Chaffetz - Fiscal Discipline

Leavitt - Dependable Flier