Sunday, August 31, 2008

Orem 41 - Republican Primary Turnout

The primary is now behind us. Jason Chaffetz defeated Chris Cannon, and Richard Ellis defeated Mark Walker. Both won by close to a 60% - 40% margin. The turnout was reported to be very low for our Congressional District. This was troubling to me, so I asked Bryan Thompson our County Clerk/Auditor if I could get the results from our precinct. Here is what he got me:

889 Registered Voters in our Precinct, 132 votes for a turnout of 14.85%.
The county wide average was 11.54%

I am glad that we are above average, but I don't think that 14.85% reflects what we actually accomplished.

First, after the voter cleanup we did this Spring/Summer we should have 719 registered voters, not 889. This takes our number up to 18.36%.

(For anyone who is concerned about a rather drastic drop in registered voters, you just need to remember that the 8th North reconstruction demolished not only all of the homes in our precinct along 8th North, but also a house or two on every joining street.)

Second, the Democrats held no primary, and the Republican Primary is closed to those who are not affiliated Republican. This takes the eligible voters in our precinct down to 346, and our turnout percentage up to 40.37%.

While this still leaves us a lot of room to improve, I am much happier with 40%.