Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Cannon - Notes from meeting April 12 2008 - Jared Jardine

?Do you support the Economic Stimulus
It took money we don't have and gave it back to the people who will have to pay the debt. It was a mixed bag, but supported it as a psuedo tax cut.

? What is the biggest problem facing US
Lack of Energy Independence, Foriegn Oil Dependence
Oil Shale could be done at $25 / barrel today
BLM regulation are holding it back, part of the energy Bill ammendment. Spearheaded by Colorado congressman

? Health Care - Social Security
very difficult problems, Govt programs don't work because
1 - they require beurocrats which are expensive
2 - beurocrats are corrupt
opposed to welfare maintaining dependence
govenment stifles inovation
solution: Hold off socialized medicine until the free market can correct itself

? Porn on the internet
wants to limit fed govt role in obscenity cases
states are the place to fight it
internet browsers can identify trademarks - help fight phishing

?How long do you want to stay in congress
until my influence is no longer increasing

? immigration
voted for sending troops to the border
wants to enforce the border
we need to know where the visa holders are
1st secure the border
believes in legal immigration
"Illegals are like cancer" because
maintaining thier illegal status forces other illegal activity
never endorsed Mcain-Kennedy
actively opposed President Bush's efforts

? No Child Left Behind
Originally supported it
the implimentation has been horrid
now actively opposes it

? Harmful to Minors Act - What will you do to enforce it
It is a state law and a state issue
I will help preserve Utah State's ability to enforce it

? Mortgage crisis - knee jerk federal reaction
opposes 2 provisions being proposed
1 Financial services regulations
2 allowing home values to be marked down at bankruptcy

? National Debt - Can't we pay it down
1st - $4 - $4.5 trillion of it the govt owes itself - raided social security trust
leaves $4.5 - $5 trillion of public debt
we paid back some debt in 1996
We need to extend Bush tax cuts
If Bush had been more concerned with the debt, more would have been done

? Favor returning to the Gold standard
There is no talk of doing that

? Fair Tax - Consumption tax
Believes that we must first cut govt spending then move to a consumption based tax system

? What will you do in the next term
Work on the rule making process
help make transparent government

? Frustration of Minority
not frustrated, 3rd most original bills passed in congress

?North American Union
SPP - Security Prosperity Partnership
supposedly to open commerce
they need to be transparent - they are secret
they are a threat to our soveriegnty

?Iraq War
Surge has worked
"I support the right to torture people who have information that can save American lives"

?Tribalism in Iraq

? Concerns on Fuel - Foriegn and Domestic 20 year plan
it is crazy, people talking about running out of oil
Red Leaf
Gassification of coal costs 1/20th of what it did 30 years ago
Only need a $45 a barrel guarantee from feds to get it up and running
Gassification of coal
Ignorance is the big hurdle
Huge unholy incentives against doing what is clearly in the best interest of the country

? What do we do with the illegal immigrants who are here now
I don't care what we do with them
It is not important for them to leave
need a system for them to come out of the shadows
They should get amnesty for false Id & illegally being here
but not for crimes with damages over $100

? League of Democracies
UN is not up to the task
worried that it would just retread the same countries
the devil is in the details

*End of notes - beginning of commentary*

All in all I felt like the questions were well answered. His knowledge on the steps that could be taken to get our country energy independant was good. I think that his position on what to do with illegal immigrants still in the country is a deal killer. Why we should not only forgive illegally entering our country, but also forgive falsification of identification in this age of ID theft is beyond me.

Chaffetz - Imigration Plan

Cannon - Adding up

Ellis - Letter

Walker - Meetings

County Call to Convention

Ellis - Don't make mistake flier

Chaffetz - Fiscal Discipline

Leavitt - Dependable Flier

Sandstrom - Pro Education

Sandstrom - Public Education Information (from Barbara Capmbell)

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Notes from April 4th meeting with Stephen Sandstrom

? - Education
Supports public schools
Doesn't think our district will vote for a Democrat
Voted to increase public education $

? - Vouchers
Recieved 7 - 1 favorable letters from our district
Vouchers passed in our district
Agreed that vouchers was spurred on by Investigations Math program at Alpine School District

? - Upcoming Illegal Immigration Study
Believes that the study is a sham that will present a cloudy picture on Illegal Immigration

? - Illegal Immigration
Sponsored 4 bills to address Illegal Immigration in our state.
While it is primarily a federal issue, believes that the state can do some things about it.
Assisted in busting 2 illegal immigrant / gang / houses in the South end of our precinct
Tried to get the in-state tuition for illegal immigrant kids enacted this year, but fell 4 votes short
Introduced legislation to ban driver's priveledge cards for Illegal Immigrants
Introduced legislation to require citizenship or legal residency status on professional liscence applications
30% of inmates at our county jail are illegal immigrants
3 of last 4 murders in Orem were commited by illegal immigrants

? - Illegal Immigrant kids
Believes that it is fair to have some visa provision to allow illegal immigrant chuildren who were brought across the border as kids a work visa of some sort.
Beleives in humane hospital treatment for illegals
Introduced legislation that will require a positive ID on hospital admitance, it does not apply to ER treatment

? - Tax cuts
No tax cuts this year, Legislature decided to wait a year and hold onto the $100 million surplus
%100 of income tax goes directly to fund schools.
He opposed a 30 cent increase in the gas tax

? - Transportation
I-15 in Utah County will begin shortly
it will consume 80% of the state's transportation moneys
start construction next year

? - Lehi East - West transportation
American Fork Main St. I-15 Offramp, on the Lehi side will be expanded to a 5 lane highway

? - Causeway across Utah Lake
Legislature funded an environmental study
2 pathways being studied, 1st crosses from Saratoga Springs to 1600 North
other wasn't clarified

? - Developement of Utah Lake
Issues with 12-15 million carp, Supports development of the lake

? - Support of Congressman Cannon
He supports Cannon

He also discussed how all of these bleeding heart groups come before the Health & Human Services Committee asking for 10 - 15 million dollars for to help their niche of the population. And that he generally fights fiercely against them.

I would have liked to have heard more on education. It seems to me that the last election between Sandstrom and Ferrin was primarily fought about education, with Sandstrom being the champion of Alpine School District and Ferrin being the Voucher's and Charter Schools supporters. Sandstrom won a very narrow victory in the primary. Sandstrom then voted for the Voucher bill, and while he says that he did it because of the support of his district for vouchers. It seems that his Alpine School District support will largely be behind the Democrat challenger this year who is a former superintendant of Alpine School District. I hope to hear more about Education from Sandstrom in the future.

Letter - Stephen Sandstrom

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Notes from March 27th Meeting with David Leavitt

He wants to do something to save America for our families.

Government is out of control - Not supposed to take care of every need, but to protect our freedoms. All federal govt programs should be re-examined.

? - Foreign Oil
Drill in Alaska, Off the coast of Florida, Process Oil Shale in Utah, Look at Nuclear, Look at alternatives. Also believes in govt funded research for energy. We need to conserve.

? - Immigration
We have ignored the law for many years. Enforcement is #1. Policies are broken. Need more efficient legal immigration. We have an economic need for workers.
Wants to: Enforce laws, secure boarders, maintain ourselves economically.
Supports a comprehensive approach that includes:
Employers - use a smart card for employees, prosecute employers who skirt the system.
Illegals - must go home. If they have proof of US employment and present it South of the boarder, they will get a work Visa.
15% of illegals wages would be placed into a social needs account used for social/health stuff
Wants to avoid mean spirited enforcement
Border Security - Use Satellites, UAVs and some fencing
Citizenship/Naturalization process should be easier.

? - Economy
Our economy will not last with govt regulation. Wants to get rid of capital gains tax and maintain Bush tax cuts.

? - Education
Not a federal Matter. Should be dealt with at the state, local and parental levels. Does not support Dept of Education, but sees its role as one of coordinating between states with a small role. Opposed to No Child Left Behind, says that Fed should not mandate to states on Education

? - Gun Control
2nd Amendment is easy to understand. It gives us an individual right. If the supreme court doesn't see it that way in the D.C. gun control case, he supports a constitutional amendment that spells it out that way.

? - Lack of Republican Values
For Fiscal Discipline, Republicans in Washington DC have acted like drunk Democrats. They are not representing traditional values. Need to state their belief in God.

? - Social Security
50+ should be underwritten by fed govt. All others should be moved to private accounts.

? - Dept of Education, budget and size
No budget in Federal Government that doesn't need cuts. Ideal ~5-10% of current size in Dept of Education

?Reducing Entitlements
How will he convince others in congress: Focus on civility, without which there will be no progress. Hones debate on the role of govt. Foster private sector.

? - Tax Reform, Fair Tax
Tax system is broken. Likes the Fair Tax, Sees it as a reasonable alternative, also likes a flat tax

? - Why should illegals be sent to the border
Rule of Law, Centralized location for SmartCard distribution

? - Mercy for illegals
We must change immigration law. Wants to marry compassion, rule of law, and economics

? - What about those in line legally
Administer new laws without disadvantaging those in line legally

? - Why tip-toeing around immigration
Doesn't want to be mean spirited

? - You claim rare international experience - Why is that important
Experiences in Eastern Europe (Ukraine), Our policies affect the US on a Global Stage, it gives him a broad perspective.

? - Why run against a good man in Chris Cannon. He has seniority.
It will be many years prior to Republican held house again. Seniority is meaningless in the minority. Cannon has no fire left in his belly. Cannon has been there 12 years, and will be looking to retire when Republicans get back in the majority, and then we will not get the advantage of seniority. Properly functioning in the minority requires persuasion, where Cannon has bluntly attacked others across the isle. Cannon is very partisan, you need different tools to function in the minority. Most influential Republican congressmen according to's power rankings lists Blunt, Putnam and Baynor at the top. These men have been in congress the same or less time than Cannon, yet he is not among the most influential. 2 kinds of congressmen, Voters and Influencers. Cannon is a voter. We don't need a voter we need an influencer. It isn't about what Utah gets back, but how Utah can influence the rest of the nation. Cannon is ranked 318 out of 435 Congressmen.

This is where the meeting stopped, but David Leavitt stayed to answer additional questions. Here are my notes from the afterward discussion:

? - FairTax Prebate
He is opposed to the prebate portion of the FairTax

? - School Vouchers
While he doesn't believe that giving a govt check is the right solution, he voted for vouchers to send a message to public schools that he wants change in our public education.

? - Illegal Immigrants responsibility is with employers
He is for punishing employers of illegal immigrants

? - Iraq war
Regardless of how it started, We should support our troops. Stay as long as necessary

? - Didn't catch the question
Wants to find ways to infuse and enable the private sector

? - CP80 - Ralph Yaaro - Anti Internet porn
Supports zoning the Internet from porn, we have current laws that are not being enforced, likes decency standards

? - National Welfare
Wants to eliminate federal role in welfare, thinks that welfare should be managed by the states

? - ?
Wants to be able to help persuade people in other districts

? - Trade with China
Serious threat to our sovereignty, Wants to ween off slowly to avoid economic collapse

? - North American Union
Against it as a sovereignty issue, supports long term treaties with neighbors

? - Economy
Don't mess with it. Opposed to regulations, Supports the free market system

? - Illegal Immigration - Border Fence
The border fence was a farce. Congress didn't properly fund it. Doesn't think we need a fence.

? - Anchor babies
Not realistic to change the constitution

? - What committees would he serve on
There is an imbalance between state and federal governments.
Serve on the Financial Services Committee, Rules Committee,

Comment - Wants to get senators to represent states again. Get them appointed by the states as was originally in the constitution

? - Energy
Supports Nuclear, Gassification of Coal, and energy exploration in National Parks

I told him that one of the main reasons that I was skeptical about him was that his fliers and campaign material lacked specifics. His response was that he felt like I was expecting too much in a candidate, but that he was happy to answer any specific question I wanted to ask.

In general I attended this meeting with little expectations, but wanted to give every candidate a fair shake. In the end I was surprised to be impressed. That doesn't mean that I am decided, but it does mean that Mr. Leavitt is solidly in the running in my book.

Flier - Chris Cannon

This is a flier I received from Rep. Chris Cannon. Cannon is currently the congressman from our congressional district.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Letter - Jason Chaffetz

This is a letter that I recieved from Jason Chaffetz. Jason Chaffetz is running for the US House of Representatives, Congressional District #3 from the State of Utah. The current incumbent is Representative Chris Cannon.

Flier - David Leavitt

These images are all from a flier from David Leavitt. David Leavitt is running for US Congress, Congressional District #3 from the State of Utah. He is running against incumbent Chris Cannon.

Flier - Stephen Sandstrom

This is a flier from Stephen Sandstrom. Sandstrom is the incumbent from Leg. District 58 in the Utah State House.

Flier - Paul Newton

Paul Newton is running against incumbent Stephen Sandstrom for the Utah State House, Leg. District 58. This is the Leg. District that Orem Precinct 41 votes in.

Fliers and such

I am trying to get all of the issue fliers I recieve up on this blog. If I get a flier that is more of an invitation to a campaign event, I am not bothering to post it. In addition, for space concerns, I am trying to keep all of the issue portions of the fliers, but sometimes I need to crop the pretty pictures. I hope that you will find this to be of service. Thanks.

Flier - David Leavitt - Bringing Back America's Promise